Monday, July 12, 2010

The Skinner Black Jeans

On Friday, July 9th I participated in a jeans day at work. It was my first one with the new job. I was excited to dress down. I realized that all of my Blue Jeans don’t fit. (Yippie) But bad news so I looked in the closet and found a pair of BLACK Jean that I haven’t been able to wear since the summer of 2004. (They were tight back then. I mean lay down on the bed and button them tight. ) So when I put them on and they were loose I was so excited. It sometimes is about feeling good about you. This made me so happy. I was on cloud 9!!

Well this week I weighed in and the numbers are not good but they are going back in the right direction.

Weight 269.4 (Yes!! I am out of the 270’s)
Waist 47 inches
Hips 58.5 inches

That is 13 pounds in 5 weeks. Not to bad, but I want more (yep! That is the PITTA in me!!)

One thing that I did figure out is that I need to sleep more! My journaling is getting better and I am trying to eat more. ( I still cannot eat 1400-1600 calories a day!! Gluten Free sometimes Stinks!)

I have always been fat, my whole life. (Well since 1st grade) I lost a lot of weight and started to feel and look good my junior year in high school at Corona del Sol (Once an AZTEC, Always an AZTEC!! Yeah! Aztec cross country!) But I gained it back and I lost even more weight right after I got married. That is a benefit of no kids and riding a bike all over the East Valley in the summer. But it never stayed off; I know this time is different because I have changed how I live.

I learned that people are motivated by pain and pleasure. I realized that I fear showing my kids an unhealthy lifestyle. That is why I had just a speck of desire to change my life back in January, when I ran the dash and splash. Then through loving and supportive friends learning how to take ownership for my life and actions has been empowering. That is why I love seeing people join me on this Transformation. Not just of my body, but my mind and spirit.

I am blessed with great kids, wonderful friends, amazing leaders, and incredible examples of love, service, and compassion. So with that I must practice what I taught my Primary (Sunday School class for children) Class yesterday Luke 17:11-19. I have been like the other 9 lepers and didn’t thank the Savior for healing them physically. (I have walked around never showing my gratitude for those in my life) But I am now more like the one that came back and fell to the Saviors feet and expressed his thanks for the healing. I cannot express into words how blessed I feel and how whole I feel because of the Nutriiveda transformation. It has helped me to draw closer to my Savior and Heavenly Father spiritually; it has helped me to stay calmer during stressful times. It has given me clarity of my emotions. Physically it has allowed me lose some weight, walk faster than before and now even start jogging. It is amazing.

Thank you to all my friends who have been there to cheer me on, light the path with your example, walk with me in dark of night both literally and figuratively. I am a better person now than I was 5 months ago and my future can only get brighter.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Independence Day

My Independence DAY

I was struck this 4th of July about how I now have more freedoms because of the weight I have lost. As a family tradition my parents every year go to Rustler’s Roost for dinner on the 4th of July. This allows us to see the Fireworks all over the Valley of the Sun with out having to deal with the Heat. In years past I would park the car at the bottom of the hill and wait 10-15 minutes for a shuttle to drive me up the hill. This year I was able to walk up the hill without even getting winded. It was a real eye opener to see how a little thing like walking could make me feel so proud. I really felt a sense of pride that I have been able to shed some pounds. (Not as many as I have wanted but more than many people have thought possible.)

I haven’t had the kind of success that I had the first time that I participated in the challenge. There are a few things that I realized that I was doing wrong, this time. I haven’t been exercising the 20-30 minutes (I know so lazy! Who would have thought moving and going to job interviews would be messing up my workouts). I am a person who needs a goal to work on. So because of that realization I am now training for the Susan G. Koman Race for the cure on 10-10-10. (I know I normally don’t run races on Sunday. I will figure a way to participate and keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Yes, I am looking for suggestions) the second thing that I realized which is KEY to the Nutriiveda Transformation is the journaling. I haven’t been keeping track of what I eat, how I feel, or how I see my life. I know that I can and will do better. The 3rd part of the challenge where I have been lacking is an accountability partner. It is vital to have someone who you will talk to about your progress in this journey. The attitude of I can do it all by myself doesn’t seem to work. (Yep, it is in the Nutriiveda Program Guide. Page 20)

So I now have an Elephant to swallow. My goal when the challenge began was to loose 100 pounds. That would have been 8 a week. I have the same goal of 100 pounds but I need to now lose 11 pounds a week. I know this can be done with a greater effort on my part. I need to exercise more, I need to journal, and I need to keep a positive attitude. I didn’t gain all this weight at once (Well I did it in a year) so I know that I can’t loose it all in a month either. It is time for me to continue to set the example for my kids on what a healthy family looks like.

The changes in my life have brought me happiness, not just weight loss. I have a job in my career field again. I have a new place to live with my kids. I have started to share this wonderful program with others who understand the feelings I have about losing weight and what it feels like to be overweight. (for me morbidly obese, I need to lose about 50 more pounds just to be obese)

I would challenge anyone who things they cant lose weight or change their life to take the first step and try Nutriiveda. It has a money back guarantee, which is how confident the company is with this product and the program.
I know it has changed my life.

I know that I couldn't have this opportunity to change my life without living in this great country. I want to thank all the men and woman who put their lives on the line daily so that I can change my life. I know that they leave family, friends, and careers so that I can chase after my dreams, my goals, and my passions. I am so grateful for your sacrifice.