Friday, May 28, 2010

By Request

The transformation is exciting to me and to my friends. We wonder what the new before and after pictures will look like. I am beginning a new 12 week challenge on Sunday. Here are the before and after side shots from the last challenge so we have something to compare to.

Please don't think that this is only a weight loss journey. This is an amazing company and the timing is right now. For me the transformation this business offers is also going to fatten my wallet. It is an amazing business that allows for good health, great friends and living the life most just dream of. Come on the journey with me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

3 Days til the New Challenge Begins

I was able to get this picture of the winner of the Nutriiveda weight loss challenge for the over 40 woman. (Yes she is #1!!) I think she looks awesome. Here is another example of Nutriiveda changing

WOW! I can't believe that on Sunday I will be getting ready for a new 12 Week Challenge with Nutriiveda. I started back to work on Wednesday after being out of work for about a year. I think the greatest thing that has happened was the transformation of my mind as well as my body because I started following principles of the mind, body, and spirit connection. It has been interesting that as I am at the new job (Just Over Broke!!) I have been able to eat better. I eat every 2 hours something and at lunch I am able to take a walk outside. I am hoping that will be one of my workouts this summer! I still haven't been able to get a long walk or do any exercise videos yet. BUT I haven't given up on being able to train for more races. I feel so blessed in my life with the new energy I feel.

I have 2 Events planned as a way to share Nutriiveda, Zrii, and the knowledge of Ayurvedic principles.

June 5th at the Turner House, 11am
June 10th at Shelley's House, 6:30 pm

It is a fun time to share what I have learned. I am so excited about this new life I have started thanks to Zrii and Nutriiveda. Not only is it making me healthy. It has shown me a way to take care of my kids and leave them a legacy.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here is me hold a check for $250 for winning 2nd place in the Nutriiveda Challenge. It was awesome to lose weight and make some cash! (especially with money so hard to come by for everyone) This is on top of a $200 check I won for being one of the first 20 people in 2010 to lose 20 pounds.

This is all thanks to Zrii and Nutriiveda. I love it.

I plan to start the next 12 week Nutriiveda Challenge on Monday May 31, 2010!

New Pictures, New Measurements, and a New starting weight!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Let the Blog Begin!

Here is what I looked like on Jan. 31st 2010. I was fat, unhealthy, tired, I couldn’t walk 5 houses down the street without getting winded. I was sad and very obese.

So I started a weight loss journey, it is a miracle and I could never have started this life-changing journey with out a great support from my friends and family. (Especially Eliisa who helped keep me accountable, by doing weekly weigh-ins, running races with me, and making sure that I remembered my goals) I also needed something to help the weight come off. I found that thru Nutriiveda by Zrii. It is a Weight Management Shake that taste awesome. (Which I didn’t believe was ever possible) It also is Gluten-Free. (I have Celiac Disease, no gluten for me)

I took part in the Nutriiveda Challenge from Zrii. It is a 12-week challenge. The Grand Prize is $5000!! It is based on % of weight loss, and % of inches lost. So for me in the 12 weeks I lost 54 pounds (which was 15.65% loss) also had lost 10.5 inches off of my hips and waist. (8.61% loss) It ended on April 24, 2010. Here is what I looked like 12 weeks later.

By May 21st, I had lost a total of 16 inches off of my waist and hips. And had lost a total of 77.2 pounds. (that is about 22%!!) I still have a long way to go. I need to loose another 166 pounds. My goal is to have lost another 100 more by October 23, 2010

I keep losing weight and now want to help anyone who wants to change his or her life for the better. (I never thought I would be the one saying this!! But so many great things have happened to me, since I have started taking Nutriiveda)

I have always been a overweight person since 2nd grade. I have even thought about getting lap-band and gastric bypass surgery. I have found that I have lost the same amount of weight as those who have had the surgery. I am enjoying my life and love the new me that I am becoming.